Book Recommendations

Why Reading The “Throne of Glass” In Tandem Is Tremendously Better Compared to Chronological Order


The short answer is yes. I know it may seem to be very controversial between book lovers but in the end, reading the Throne of Glass series in tandem will always be worth it. If you’d like to read my thoughts on the series as one of the top 5 books I’ve found from BookTok, then click here

What if I forget my place?

Some people may argue that it is difficult to remember which chapters to read and where to stop. That is very true and without my tracking sheet I never would have been able to keep my place in track. Thankfully, there are many free printable tracking sheets if you simply look up “Throne of Glass tandem read sheet” or “Throne of Glass tandem”. If you’re worried about misplacing your sheet or forgetting where it is (I had the same issue), then it’s best to use it as a bookmark or you could even keep it tucked into the back of your book.

Empire of Storms goes through different perspectives in which none appear in Tower of Dawn. The two books take place during the same point in time but they contain stories from separate parts of Erilea where the information from the other book in tandem is simply not needed to understand the next one. After reading Empire of Storms and continuing onto Tower of Dawn, pieces will click together with realization and remembering moments from the book prior. If you read them in tandem, then you do not need to remember anything because you had just read it. So if you have a bad memory when it comes to reading books then it may not be best to read them in the published order.

It may get boring if you’re stuck on one point of view

I already know I would have gotten so tired of reading two perspectives for a full 600 pages. In Tower of Dawn, there were some parts I would be waiting to read my next chapters of the other book. I know that’s not very book girl of me but sometimes that’s just the mood. So if I had to read the whole Tower of Dawn book before knowing what happened next from Empire of Storms I would have had a major freak out. (Spoiler: there is a MAJOR cliffhanger at the end of Empire of Storms)

When you decide to buy your very own copy of the Throne of Glass, don’t forget to purchase your new favorite books below where I will earn a commission.

Throne of Glass. Crown of Midnight. Heir of Fire. Queen of Shadows . Empire of Storms. Tower of Dawn. Kingdom of Ash. The Assassin’s Blade.

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